Friday, July 31, 2015

2015 Shasta Daisies

Give Phoebe a couple clumps in the spring.
Cage them before they get too tall.  Try to harvest seeds in the fall.

2015 Break Ups/Moves

Bust up sage and salvia

Move hostas by sewer caps

2015 Pests

Spray Sevin for pests earlier.  Aphids ate two plants by front door.

2015 Dahlia Bulbs

2015 Save Seeds

2015 Pump Pot

The gardens are beautiful.....but there are a few things I would do differently....
The pump pot filled in well and looked great in June but pooped out by mid-July.
Try a different flower that cascades next year or vinca.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

2015 Living Room window area

Add more seed geraniums with something in yellow annual in south garden

2015 South Garden

The annuals need adjustment.  Don't plant the dark purples.  They get too tall and fall over.  The red didn't keep up in size.  Next year try seed geraniums for red annual...

Cage up peonies higher

Give away hosta in front of peony and the two near the sewer pipes.
Tie up phlox earlier and spray them for fungus.

2015 Yellow, Red, Pink Zinnas

Make sure I save lots of seeds and put them in the middle or back.
They get very tall!

2015 Spike

Give away baby spike (Yucca) one is enough and it will get too big where it is.

2015 North garden

Put the red milk can top right out front with short flowers inside.  It got lost this year...

Cranesbill geraniums are getting too big....dig some out of each blob and add to ditch....
Repainted garden sign that has faded out.

Look for "Hoot-n-Annie" ground cover that I bought on garden tour with Faye and Deb...

Sage and salvia are getting too big...dig some out  and add to ditch...

Monday, July 27, 2015

2015 Allium Bulbs

They bloomed perfectly.  Move bee balm up next to fence and put allium bulbs in front of bee balm.  They looked cute spray painted after they dried out.

2015 Bee Balm

When it first comes up...move bee balm to the back it got too tall

2015 Wagon

The north garden may be getting too full for the wagon.  Fill with dirt and plant something from seed to fill it.

2015 Behind The Fence

If the holly hocks don't come up next year plant cosmos in back and short zinnias in front of them

2015 Three Front Planters

try something different....simliar to this pot that was a gift from Laura's folks.  Add mulch after planting.

2015 Mauve Pot

The vinca did well.  Next time try a spike in the middle or canna bulb or calla lily bulbs surrounded by vinca.

2015 Hollyhocks

The hollyhocks got a rust disease this year.... Or the deer ate the tops right off ....better luck next year I guess.

2015 The Big Cup

I initially tried a wax begonia but it was too hot on the deck.  Then I put moss roses around it.  It filled in well and some days the blooms were plentiful and pretty and other days they looked shriveled up.  Maybe try the cup in the living room window area instead of deck.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

2015 new unique plant

I purchased this plant on the Rochester garden tour with Faye and Deb.  It is unusual....lime green leaves with bright pink edges.  It is supposed to be an invasive ground cover....we will see.