Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Minute by minute

Big things are built one brick at a time.
Victories are achieved one choice at a time.
A life well lived is chosen one day at a time.
Lysa TerKeurst

Maybe I'd better concentrate on the moment by moment issues and not even try to project a whole day at a time.
“…make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance…”  2 Peter 1:5-6

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Tree Planted by Living Water

I don’t know for sure, but I think that maybe God is trying to tell me that I’ve got to stop reacting so much, that I can’t allow the little ups and downs in my day to affect me to the core. Gentleness begins with strength, quietness with security.  A great tree is both moved and unmoved—it changes with the seasons, but its roots keep it anchored in the ground.  Rachel Held Evans

Similarly, I think it might be a good idea for me to work on being rooted and grounded and not worry about the winds that blow on a daily basis.

Psalms 1:2-3 (paraphrased)
 But her delight is in the law of the LORD,
       and on His law she meditates day and night.

She is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which changes, but yet at its core is unchanged.
       Whatever she does prospers according to His will.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


"Faith is not about everything  turning out okay,  faith is about being okay no matter how things turn out."
  Hum???  Guess I need to ponder that one for awhile.  Reminds me of that song, "Jesus Bring the Rain," by Mercy Me.  I guess without the rain there'd be no rainbows.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Tough times

I’d wager that perhaps 90% of the art and music worth savoring and saving in this world has come out of the crucible commonly moistened with tears. Psalm 30 rejoices in mourning turned into dancing. But Lamentations also recognizes dancing that has collapsed into mourning. God is present in both, in all. Live them fully. Live them well. Create. Live. God is always faithful. We are not alone. So our stories continue..... (AFRoger)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Compassion or not?

"Compassion is only sympathy until we cross the road and do something about it.  "  OUCH!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


 "The evil in our desires usually does not lie in what we want, but that we want it too much."  Jon Calvin
  Hum?.....I'll have to chew on that one for a while.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Origin of phrases

Raining cats and dogs:
Origin: 17th century
Story: Some speculate that this phrase arose in the 17th century as a result of poor drainage systems in Europe. During heavy showers, drains disgorged their contents of any animal corpses that may have accumulated. This occurrence is documented in Johnathan Swift’s 1710 poem ‘Description of a City Shower’, in which he describes “Drowned puppies, stinking sprats, all drenched in mud,/Dead cats and turnip-tops come tumbling down the flood.”
Don't you feel better now that you know that????  

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Gospel for Everyday Life

"...we need the gospel every day. Because we are constantly, naturally, idolatrously choosing to forget the cross and look to God in a sort of "What have you done for me lately?" sort of attitude."  Jared Wilson

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Perfect Day

It's sunny and 72*, no humidity and the colors are changing.  I love fall!  This is why I live in MN.
(I'll work on trying to find something to like about a day in mid-January!)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Playing 2nd fiddle

Leonard Bernstein, the late conductor of the New York Philharmonic orchestra, was asked what was the most difficult instrument to play. Without hesitation he replied, “The second fiddle! I can get plenty of first violinists, but to find someone who can play the second fiddle with enthusiasm - that’s a problem. And if we have no second fiddle, we have no harmony.”

Monday, October 4, 2010

Do you agree?

These people say this potatoe looks like Jay Leno....funny~~


Have you ever wondered what takes place in the human body to cause a person to cry?  I'm not talking about chopping onion cries, but what happens when your throat tickles and you're trying to hold back the tears but they come anyway.  Is this part of what makes us "made in the image of God," having emotions, a conscience?  Do animals cry?

Friday, October 1, 2010